Capella Kincheloe

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101 Reasons to Hire an Interior Designer

There are hundreds of reasons to hire an interior designer.  Most of them come down to correct allocation of assets.  They can keep their eye on the big picture, help maximize your investment and minimize headaches.  They know who to call and how to avoid and resolve problems.  They're there to make your space beautiful and functional.  

There are designers out there for all types of projects and budgets.  There are designers who could help you with every single thing on this list and some that specialize in certain ones.  But hiring a designer is more than just finding pretty things and getting a discount on them.   

Here are more reasons for hiring an interior designer or decorator.  

101 Reasons to Hire an Interior Designer

  1. Save money

  2. Spend money - wisely.

  3. the WOW Factor

  4. So you don't have to do it yourself.

  5. To-the-trade-only

  6. Designers are not emotionally connected to your home to make the changes needed (like a doctor diagnosing and treating herself!)

  7. Great sources

  8. Knowledge

  9. Experience

  10. To style your bookshelves

  11. Fewer headaches

  12. Do you know what a gimp is? A designer does.

  13. Turkish corners, butterfly corners, knife-edge, dressmakers, and so much more.

  14. They know how high/low to hang sconces.

  15. Designers come up with things you wouldn't have thought of.

  16. They know a shower head can be too high or too low.

  17. They know that sofa arm height is important to how you use your sofa

  18. For solutions you haven't considered.

  19. Designers speak the language of contractors, architects, and builders.

  20. Confirmation you're headed in the right direction.

  21. Designers care about the end result as much, or sometimes even more than you do.

  22. To be the bad cop with contractors and vendors so you don't have to

  23. They worry about your project in the middle of the night so you don't have to.

  24. Not only do they help you select the best light, they know where to hang it.

  25. Your project will get done and not let it languish.

  26. No more piece by piece.

  27. Designers deliver a full room or house complete with accessories so you can sit back and enjoy.

  28. Designers wrangle contractors and vendors while you can focus on the rest of your life.

  29. To help manage and control your budget

  30. Designers can set realistic expectations of what is possible.

  31. Network and industry connections only available to the trade

  32. They have learned from past mistakes and can help avoid future ones.

  33. They provide a guiding vision throughout the process

  34. Share creative solutions

  35. Designers create a plan for lighting, knowing how to keep everything the same temperature.

  36. Access to customization

  37. Working with a designer provides added protection and project insurance.

  38. You can get therapy and design for one price. Just kidding, most designers aren't licensed therapists, but sometimes get treated as such.

  39. It’s almost impossible to have perspective on your home (too close to the trees to see the forest!!).

  40. You are missing out on 90% of what’s out there buying retail.

  41. You don’t want your neighbors copying you.

  42. You want your neighbors to copy you.

  43. You don't want to copy your neighbors (or Pinterest).

  44. So you don’t have to live with 20+ paint swatches all over the room.

  45. To not waste money resolving bad design decisions.

  46. If you're spending money on the reno, spend the money to do it right the first time.

  47. To keep track of all the orders.

  48. Save time.

  49. Professional plan of action.

  50. Trained eyes will see things you're going to miss.

  51. Better resources and relationships.

  52. Designers think ahead, they know what is coming on the horizon and can prepare for it.

  53. They'll know if the coffee table is the right height and size in relation to the room and the rest of the furniture.

  54. Designers are skilled in the "mix": high/low, time periods, styles to keep your space interesting and cohesive.

  55. You'll have somebody on your team.

  56. Increase the value of your home.

  57. Designers want to delight and dazzle you.

  58. They can push your boundaries (in a good way!) and help you think out of the box.

  59. They can help incorporate historic details when appropriate.

  60. Designers can help you and your partner agree on a design style by being a neutral third party. (See #38)

  61. International Building Codes

  62. A designer can maximize your space.

  63. So you'll have a home you love to be in and show off to friends.

  64. To maximize quality for your money.

  65. They'll know how to set the priorities for the project.

  66. Designers know what needs to get done first, second, and what can wait.

  67. They know where to find faux plants that don't look fake.

  68. Designers go beyond what is trendy and give good design.

  69. The records they keep help for insurance purposes - if you have a catastrophic event like a fire or natural disaster.

  70. Designers can help with LEED and green building methods.

  71. They can figure out where the light switches should go based on your preferences, not the builder's.

  72. Virtual Reality walk-thru, 3D renderings, and to-scale plans.

  73. White-glove installation - they can install a house from empty to lit candles & a set table.

  74. They know what materials are good for houses with kids & dogs.

  75. Designers can help you find a place for everything and make it easy to keep it in place.

  76. To spend more time enjoying your home with your family.

  77. Somebody needs to decide on the grout type, color, and width.

  78. Designers are problem solvers.

  79. Designers are project managers.

  80. Designers are creative.

  81. Designers are innovative.

  82. Designers are diplomats.

  83. They'll know how to keep all finishes the same or appropriately mix them.

  84. Do you know the standard measurement for lights above a dining table?

  85. Your faucet spouts will be neither too short or too long.

  86. You can avoid having your house featured on McMansion Hell.

  87. They don't sound sexy, but maybe you really do want groin vaults.

  88. Designers can turn unused space into your favorite spot in the house.

  89. Fluffing pillows so they look natural, but still orderly is harder than you think.

  90. You can have function AND form.

  91. The devil is in the details.

  92. The details are not the details. They make the design. (Thanks Charles Eames)

  93. Designers know how light, direction, and other colors affect paint and can account for that.

  94. They can make a perfect bed and know what makes a bed perfect.

  95. They can discuss the virtues of kiln-dried wood, hand-tied construction, and sofa fillings.

  96. Do you know that composite "leather" is not really leather? Designers do.

  97. ADA Standards for Accessible Design

  98. Designers know how to utilize negative space.

  99. They can add color to your home without it taking over or being too colorful.

  100. Designers know the right scale and when and how much they can push scale up or down.

  101. Because they're awesome.

Big thanks to all the designers who contributed to this post & sent me reasons.