Posts tagged interior design success
10 Daily Must-Dos

There have been lots of studies and reports on habits, success, and productivity. Many emphasize the importance of repetition and dedication. Habits take time to become habits. To become a master at your craft it can take 10,000 hours (or more). Productivity can be increased by creating and using systems. This is where things like the Pomodoro Technique, time-blocking, habit-stacking, task-batching all came from.

Despite this being an extensive topic, today, there is something really simple that you can do to increase your success and productivity in your business. Something that will help you form habits, gain success, keep you focused, and up your productivity.

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Are you running an interior design business or hobby?

One of the most important things you can do for yourself in starting an interior design business is to take ownership.  You are at the helm of the ship.  You are the captain.  You are the CEO.  You make things happen, things don't happen to you.  

Taking ownership means that if you decide to start an interior design business, you don't dabble.  You take it seriously.  (Even if you are running it part-time you can still run it like a business.)  Otherwise, you need to recognize that you have a hobby and it is a side project.  These are two very different things.  You shouldn't allow your business-hobby languish in a grey area of uncertainty.  

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10 Steps for Starting A Successful Interior Design Business
  1. Don't Ever Treat Your Business Like a Hobby - This means that you set it up properly from the get-go with proper business licenses, insurance, and legal structure.  It also means setting up a website, a branded email (no or, and a separate phone line.  Businesses have separate bank accounts and credit cards, hobbies don't.
  2. Get Yourself a Contract - Always do work with a proper, legal interior design agreement.  This is to protect both you and your clients.  You're opening yourself to a world of trouble
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