Do clients even want virtual interior design services?

Why now is the right time to offer virtual interior design services. #interiordesignbusiness #lifeofaninteriordesigner #interiordesignCEO #capellakincheloe
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Video Transcript

Do Clients Even Want Virtual Interior Design Services?

So today I want to talk about:  do clients even want virtual interior design services? Before I get into that portion, there's something I want to talk about first, which is why we should still be selling and marketing or our interior design services during this pandemic.

Should We Still Be Selling and Marketing?

We all know that this is a challenging time. Chaotic. It's a little crazy. There's a lot of unknowns.  But for some more than others. I just don't believe that you should make yourself unemployed in solidarity with those who just don't have a choice. You do have a choice. There will be some who don't think that you should be providing interior design services right now.

But those people are not your customers because there are also people out there who desperately need and want your services. We have to remember that small businesses help the economy. And if you can't financially support yourself in your business, then you can't financially support and help others.

For example, I'm still offering my Golden Hours, which are my one on one coaching calls, but I'm also giving half of the proceeds to different charities for every month. So by helping myself and still hosting those calls, I'm also able to help others financially.

If you don't have income coming into your business and into your family, then you are also not able to spend that money, you aren't able to go out and buy things from other small businesses. You aren't able to go and get food from local restaurants if you don't have income coming in.

Clients Need Interior Designers Right Now

Let's get into if clients even want virtual design services. People think interior design is a luxury business. It can be viewed as being frivolous and unnecessary. But right now, clients are probably sick of their surroundings and they may be much more in tune with their home and their needs than ever before. They're home a lot. They know what's going on. They know what's working. They'll have a better idea of what is workin and what needs to be changed.

After months inside they're just going to be sick of their sofa or they're going to be sick of the paint color. Or they'll be looking for a new bedroom because they've spent so much time there. So the needs of client’s homes are a lot different than they were months ago. 

For example, there are a lot of people working from home. They'll need a separate space for that. There's homeschooling going on. They may realize that after weeks inside with their family that they actually need very separate areas for more privacy, or the children may need a very distinct area to play at home.

Maybe there's just simply the desire to make their home work better for them to be more comfortable because they're spending a lot of time there. There are probably new habits and traditions that are going to come out of this as well. So maybe your clients have created a new habit of eating dinner together as a family and they need a real dining table that reflects that new tradition.

So, I don't have statistics for this, but I do have it on good authority from my UPS driver that people are undertaking a lot of DIY projects right now. So that means that there is an attention on improving their homes and you can help facilitate and direct that. 

So now it's your turn in the comments below I want you to share:

How are you going to serve your clients moving forward? What do they need right now?