Posts tagged red flags
Red Flags

So many times after a project sours designers tell me that there were red flags from the get-go.  So the good thing is that potential clients will usually reveal from the start that they're not the right clients for you.  

Too often designers, especially new designers, are so eager for work and to get hired that red flags are ignored or they don't know what to look out for.  In the beginning, there are a few areas that you should consider before accepting and moving forward with a project. 

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Two Reasons to Turn Down Money

The past few articles I've written have been about pricing and adding value to your business so that you can charge what you're worth.

But sometimes you actually need to turn down money to make money.  By saying no to the wrong projects you open yourself up to the right projects.  And we know that like attracts like, so the right projects will attract more of the right kind of projects.

Not only will you attract more projects that are the right projects, but by turning down projects you strengthen the muscle of saying no and trusting your instincts.

There are only two reasons to turn down money for a design project.  Ultimately, it comes down to:

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