Posts tagged branding
Developing Your Brand for Interior Designers

Over the past few weeks I've written about developing your brand and today we're going to wrap that all up into this comprehensive post.  Because branding isn't just a good logo anymore. It is the language woven into your website or the layout of your newsletter.  It is the fonts you use and where you use them.

Essentially anything that you're putting out should have your brand stamp on it.

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Make More Money by Specializing

Niche.  Specialty.

Do a quick scan of your body and feelings that come up when you read those words.

Do you feel resistance?  Excited?  Annoyed?  Defiance?  Apathy?

Despite all the years that I have been in business and have been teaching other designers how you can make more money by specializing, I still feel a little bit resistant to it.

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How to Communicate Your Value + A Giveaway

Sometimes it is hard to communicate your value, to articulate to a client why they should hire you.  Why you are the best person for the job.  Sure you have the skills required of an interior designer, but a client should hire you for your unique talents and what you bring to the project.

Figuring out how you are different and special is the key.  

I read a book a few years ago that changed my business.  Before reading this book, I was trying to figure out how to mold myself into a person that I thought clients would want to work with.  Easy-going!  Compliant!  Cheerier!

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